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20 Years Later, What is haunting you?

Statue of Liberty
Tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

In 2001, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 were hijacked by terrorists and intentionally crashed into the north and south towers of the World Trade Center.

Of those who perished during the initial attacks and the subsequent collapses of the towers, 343 were New York City firefighters, 23 were New York City police officers and 37 were officers at the Port Authority.

The victims ranged in age from 2 to 85 years. Approximately 75-80% of the victims were men.

A total of 2,977 people were killed in New York City, Washington, DC and outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Not only did this heinous crime against the United State of America rock our nation but it also steam rolled the world. In a matter of minutes, it ricocheted to all ends of the earth.

September 11, 2001 started out as a normal day. The kids were up and getting ready for school. I was listening to the national news as I was preparing their breakfast. Suddenly, the usual programming was abruptly interrupted with breaking news of two planes hitting the World Trade Center towers. Over and over again, news stations showed the planes tearing through steel and glass, the plumes of smoke rising to the sky, and the citizens, firefighters and police officers became covered in dust and rubble. I felt like I was watching a horror movie.

When the kids’ father realized what was going on, he rounded up the kids and had them sit and watch the news. He wanted them to see history in the making. My children were 9, 7 and 4 years old. They were told to stay and watch the replays time and time and time again. The live commentary was intense and emotionally charged. I finally said enough. They did not need more exposure to something they did not understand yet were being pulled into the negative energy. Many years later, I wondered if this would cause PTSD.


As a nation, we mourned and still mourn as a collective over this atrocity. We were violated, betrayed, and showed our vulnerability. We came together to support the citizens, firefighters and first responders. In times of trouble, our great nation can come together.

For those who lost husbands, wives, sons and daughters, friends, coworkers and so much more, their pain is the true anguish as a result of this horrible tragedy. Each year, whether they like it or not, their loss is brought into the limelight. They cannot escape the publicity even if they want. My heart goes out to them, for their mourning is part of the nations process. Some have moved away while others have stayed.

September 11, 2001 is the day 3 planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. As a result of those planes hitting those buildings, we have taken a tragedy and given it purpose. 9/11 is the National Day of Service and Recognition.

As the National Day of Service and Recognition approaches, what can we do to show our support not only for those who suffered loss 19 years ago, but for those around us who are struggling? We have the opportunity every day to make a difference. Be compassionate to all. Make it a habit of showing kindness every day. The more you give, the more you receive.

At 8:46 am EST, take a moment of silence and reflect on those who have lost. Say a little prayer to God or your higher power for healing. They could be a child who watched too many instant replays, or lost a parent, child, or sibling.

Fly your American flag at half mast to honor and respect those who fell. Doing so reminds us of our great country and the freedoms we have.

Do a random act of kindness. It is like giving a Christmas present from Secret Santa! Nobody knows who it is from, but it sure makes someone’s day.

We just do not know what is going on in someone’s life. They could be experiencing their own loss. You never know who you are helping. As the Nike commercial says, Just Do It.

Schedule a free consultation with Peggy.

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